May 4, 2013

My Journey...from then to now!

That morning, September 18th, 2012, I found enough courage to check my weight. I had moved to a new country, had a new job and a new life… And I wanted to do something about my health.

I found out that I weighed 98.2 kg. (216 Pounds)

September, 2nd, 2012
I was so shocked… It was like  I suddenly realised how fat I was, as if I did not see myself getting there, kilo after kilo
After a few hours I felt sad, depressed and useless. I thought I was such a failure… Look at me! How come I did that to myself? And why did I do that to myself?

July 27th, 2012

Of course I was aware that I was overweight and even my friends and family had shared their concerns with me.

I always thought I would do something about it later… It was not the right time… I have other things to do before… other things to take care of and to think about…

Since I was 20 years old, I have always been struggling with my weight… gain 5... lose 8… gain 12…lose 5… gain 10… lose 6… 10 years after my first weight gain, I was still there, struggling and addicted to food! What was wrong with me?

I did not want to try again… Why would it work this time ?

‘’Because I am with you now, you can not fail! You are my precious daughter, you are fearfully and wonderfully made and look what you are doing with my perfect creation! Seriously!’’

August 4th, 2012
I just started to believe that this time will be the one. I had come to a point where I had no other choice! My health was in danger, I did not have the life I wanted… I was always tired, frustrated and angry with myself because I was fat.

I wanted to have a family of my own, but at the back of my mind I was very much aware of the fact that I would gain weight during my pregnancy... So if I was 20 kilos overweight now, after pregnancy I would have at least 30 kilos to lose.

On the 19th of September 2012, I decided to take one year to take care of this problem. One year to change! I was a bit scared but I walked remembering: you can not fail, you can not fail! 

For the last 10 years, I read many different books about diets, healthy life style and how to cook right... So I knew that the most important was not to lose weight quickly by doing a strict diet...

I wanted to start easy: 

  • Eat 3 times a day (nothing in between)
  • Eat VARIED food that you enjoy
  • Drink at least 1.5 L of water a day
  • Write down in a notebook what you eat and your weight 
(one of my friends agreed to have a look at it from time to time and comment)

Writing what I ate was very useful because I realised how much I ate, and what I did not eat. I started to make some changes, like adding more vegetables, having less bread, finding new ideas to integrate nice desserts into my meal plans…

In December 2012 I stopped recording my food intake in my note book, as I had now got used to my new eating patterns and was quite disciplined in this area and did not need the aid of my journal.

Eating what I love for breakfast, lunch and dinner helped me to stop snacking. I thought ‘No I don’t need to have that muffin/bread/rice&curry at break or in the middle of the afternoon, because in 1 hour I will have my delicious meal which I prepared for myself with much care and love, which is both good for me as well as tasty :)

Of course, at the beginning What I liked was… Pasta with cheese, bread with cheese, cakes and chocolate. I still allowed myself to eat these things and did not deprive myself of these, but as time went on, I was able to opt for healthier substitutes for these foods which still tasted good

I was looking forward to my meal. That’s what helped me to quit and have no interest in snacking. After a while my body was not even interested in any food between meals. I have trained my body to change and to be hungry only 3 times a day.  

lose/gain weight (kg)
Present weight (kg)
 - 5.5
 - 9.4
 - 8.6 (+ 0.8)
 - 11.5
 - 13.5
 - 15,2

I have not reached the destination of my journey yet as I would like to lose about 5 kilos more but I can confidently say that I have won the battle against weight !!

May 3rd, 2013

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